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Virtual Kids Club: Fall 2020


Bring Broken Toys Back to Life

You probably have some old and damaged toys around your home that you no longer play with. Give these toys a second life by splicing them together to create something creepy or cute!


  • For this project collect old or broken toys such as stuffed animals, dolls, action figures, etc.
  • Mix and match different elements of these toys to create something new.
    • Is one of your toys missing a part? Can you replace it with something from another toy?
    • Have you ever thought your stuffed animal would be perfect with some additions like wings or an extra set of eyes? Can you salvage these from another broken or old toy you own?
    • What is the effect of combining different elements of your toys? Do these make a new toy that is silly? Scary? Adorable?
  • To make your Frankentoy permanent use a needle and thread, glue, or even tape to attach the different elements of your creation together.


No tricks here, just treats in our booklist for elementary school students.

Virtual Show and Tell