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Virtual Kids Club: Fall 2020


Build it Up!

Exploring one type of building material in depth can be a fun and engaging exercise in making. It's also a way to investigate concepts of stability and balance.

Making with Multiples


  • What can you make using just ONE material?
    • Can you build a tall tower? Or an interesting design? Or a small city or town? Or a piece of jewelry? What else?
  • The only “rules” are be creative and have fun!
  • You can use anything you have A LOT of around your house:
    • LEGOs, blocks, toilet paper or paper towel tubes, toothpicks, boxes or pieces of cardboard, pasta, sand, coins, buttons, cans, plastic storage containers, paper clips, rocks, craft sticks, sticks, playing cards, books, paper, marshmallows, clothespins, binder clips, paper cups, or whatever else you can think of.  



Find a good book to inspire your imagination from our booklist for elementary school students.

Virtual Show and Tell