How do I find a report?
To find a report for a particular company, enter a ticker symbol in the search box in the upper right corner of the home page of the Morningstar Investment Research Center. Select the Stock Analyst tab.
Where are the analyst reports found?
To see all analyst reports, choose Companies / Stock Analyst Reports from the home page of Morningstar Investment Research Center. Note: Reports display with most recent at the top. Change the display to sort alphabetically by Company Name if desired.
Looking for the Mutual Funds Summary?
A collection of news and statistics of mutual funds. (Formerly the first pages of the print report.) To find it online, start on the home page and click Funds > Funds Summary
Where's the Print?
The publisher discontinued the print edition of Morningstar reports in 2015. To find the online version: from the home page enter a ticker symbol or fund name in the search box in the upper right corner. Then click the PDF report link at upper right.